Water Fuel System Guideline

Water Fuel System Guideline Water fuel system is old technology, now rediscovered, with a real potential to help you live through the coming oil crisis. Its simple clean–burn technology may increase your mileage up to 40%, greatly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and you get greater horsepower through water power.

HHO Water fuel system is a hydrogen/oxygen gas that is derived from water and can be used as fuel in engines. As a matter of fact, HHO fuel from water has been used in torches, lamps, and metallurgy ovens since the early 1900's. HHO (Water fuel system), also known as Brown's Gas or Rhode's gas, has been shown to increase fuel economy by up to 40% when used in conjunction with gasoline in standard internal combustion engines.

One of the examples for those types of products which is lately flooding the market is books and web sites that suggest water can be used to improve the mileage performance of your car or truck. It sounds fantastic and a perfect solution for the gas price crisis but is it really true? It almost sounds too good to be true, isn't it?

Future cars may well incorporate Water fuel system in their design oops, they have now! Take the Honda hydrogen car FCX Clarity and the Swiss company Ethos GmbH Schweiz's 100% water car project for example.

The technology behind using Water fuel system is pretty basic and is defined as combining water molecules broken down by gasoline and electricity. Broken down water molecules, create two parts hydrogen, one part oxygen, or HHO gas. HHO gas is very clean burning and safe. When HHO gas is combined with your cars existing air/fuel mixture, a combustion occurs which is known as Water fuel system.

Can you really run your car on water? Your car will still use gas as it's primary source of combustion. You will be supplementing that fuel with hydrogen. What you are going to be doing with Water fuel system technology is creating an extremely cost–effective hydrogen powered hybrid (Water Hybrid) by taking advantage of the atomic constituents of water molecules, hydrogen and oxygen (H2O).

Brown's gas has the power of hydrogen, just about the same with the power of hydrogen bombs. It is in this nature of hydrogen that the energy is drawn from.

It has the strength of hydrogen and yet it is very stable as the chemical component of water, which is hydrogen dioxide. Believe it or not, hydrogen fuel can run a truck. It is also called HHO and if one does not want to use it as a main source of energy, it may serve as a blend with gasoline. Since hydrogen does not burn that easily, this translates into gasoline burning lesser than what is required. As such, mileage is increased.

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Water Fuel System Guideline