Hydrogen Car Kits - How to Use Water As Fuel

Hydrogen Car Kits How to Use Water As Fuel As gas prices continue to raise the bar, clever people are seeking out new ways to improve their fuel economy. Although there are a lot of little things you can do such as getting a tune–up and changing your air filter, hydrogen car kits can supplement your gasoline usage and result in cleaner emissions while saving you a good bit of money at the pump.

Hydrogen car kits works by generating a special hydrogen/oxygen gas mixture from regular tap water. This special gas is known as HHO gas and has been used for over a century to power lamps, torches, and metallurgy ovens. More recently, people have discovered that you can use the combustible gas to supplement gasoline usage. Hydrogen car kits make all this possible by creating hydrogen on demand.

Most hydrogen car kits use regular tap water held in a small reservoir underneath the hood. Using electrolysis, the water is then converted in the HHO gas form, and bubbles up to the top. A vacuum hose carries the gas towards the engines intake, where it later mixes with air and fuel in the combustion chamber of the engine. Most people using hydrogen car kits have either an off/on switch, or continuous power when the engine is running. Personally I prefer the ladder, as you never have to remember to turn it off or on.

Although there aren't any commercial hydrogen car kits available at this time, you can build your own in less than a couple hours using standard parts from your local hardware store. The parts are inexpensive and the process of installing the systems are pretty straightforward.

I strongly suggest following one of the several guides available if you have never installed a hydrogen car kit before. Since there alot of options available, I've compiled a review of the Top 3 Guides so you can decide which guide is right for you.

Bruce Brennan is an expert in Fuel Economy and enjoys helping people just like you save gas every day. You can find more information including product reviews and comparisons at his website Hydrogen Gas Savers.

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You Can Save Your Teeth - The VITA-MYR Story

You Can Save Your Teeth The VITA MYR Story Despite these efforts, by this time, his teeth had become so loose that he could literally move them. He was unable to chew comfortably and was on a soft foods diet. He was in constant pain and had purplish discoloration on the inside of the gums surrounding the teeth. He is usually a very vibrant and energetic person; our kids say that he is "just like the Ever–Ready bunny, we just don't know where he keeps his batteries." Except that his energy had finally run out, and he was exhausted from pain and infection.

My background is in alternative medicine. My parents owned one of the first health food stores in Northern Nevada, and I was raised in the sure knowledge that given the opportunity, that is, the proper nourishment, support and mental and spiritual attitude, our bodies have the ability to heal themselves of most of our health challenges.

Robert had not been open to anything alternative, up to the point that they sent him home from the periodontists office with a sedative and an appointment to have his teeth removed. He really thought that his dentist would be able to get his gum disease under control and he saw no reason to look anywhere else. When he told me what they had planned, I reminded him that I had been researching gum disease for many years, and I had some ideas that may be of help.

I had been studying everything available on gum disease, including the oldest reference materials along with the latest literature available. He helped me to organize this material and our research led us to the conclusion that a Zinc and Folic Acid mouthwash would be beneficial. We understood that literally everyone with gum disease is lacking in Zinc and Folic Acid. The key is that Zinc and Folic Acid are absorbed, to a certain degree, by the gums. Our idea was to purchase some Zinc and Folic Acid solution, which we were sure, must be available, and then add the essential oils that are known to have anti–bacterial and anti–inflammatory properties and have been used traditionally to fight gum disease, Clove Oil, and Myrrh.

At that time, we were not able to find a Zinc and Folic Acid solution, nor could we get our neighborhood pharmacy to compound one for us! With Robert's background in metallurgy and chemistry, we were able to formulate our own solution, and set out to make this mouthwash ourselves. Robert started using the mouthwash we created, with the result that within a month, unbelievably as it seemed, his teeth had tightened up in his gums, his gums had stopped bleeding, the bad breath was gone and the purple discoloration had disappeared. This formula that he used is now known as VITA–MYR Zinc Plus Herbal Mouthwash.

We never set out to make this a commercial venture, but as people began to notice Robert was feeling better and had not had his teeth removed. They asked what he had done to keep his teeth. We had so many requests for our mouthwash; we had to find a commercial lab that would make our mouthwash to our specifications and at first, in small quantities.

After we started taking our mouthwash to health food stores and to health professionals, they said «Great mouthwash, now go and make a toothpaste, with the same ingredients, but no fluoride, and no harmful chemicals." It took two years to formulate toothpaste that fit our criteria and that toothpaste is now known as »VITA–MYR Zinc Plus Toothpaste. "

Recently, being convinced that Xylitol is an effective cavity fighter and has many benefits used in toothpaste, we added Xylitol and CoQ10 to our Zinc Plus formula, and are proud of our new «Zinc Plus Xtra» toothpaste.

Our grandchildren, all twelve of them, are our greatest supporters, and they asked for a «fruit flavored» toothpaste. We added a natural orange flavor (with citrus oils and essences), and the cavity fighter, Xylitol, to make pleasant tasting, cavity fighting, Children's toothpaste, "Zinc Plus Children's Toothpaste". (Adults love it too!)

I am happy to say that thirteen years after he was given that terrible news by his periodontist, Robert still has most of his teeth, eats and enjoys his favorite foods and has the challenge with periodontal disease under control. This was done not only with the mouthwash and toothpaste, but also with a commitment to a healthy lifestyle, including adding more greens to his diet, eliminating and reducing refined sugar and red meat. He did an extensive colon cleanse, and repeats it yearly. He takes bio–available (absorbable) vitamins and mineral supplements, and CoQ10. He makes an effort to drink enough water, and tries to keep stress at a minimum.

Robert says that he owes his smile to VITA–MYR Mouthwash and Toothpaste, and says «the beginning of your health starts in your mouth, take care of your mouth, and your mouth will take care of you.»

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Известный телеведущий целую неделю снимал о Южном Урале

Известный телеведущий целую неделю снимал о Южном Урале Пока мы с интересом смотрим по «Дискавери„ передачи о заморских гадах и иноземных традициях, рядом происходят не менее увлекательные вещи. Просто мы их не замечаем. Раскрыл глаза на богатый колорит Челябинской области популярный телеведущий Михаил Ширвиндт. Целую неделю он пробыл в наших краях, снимая сюжеты для познавательной передачи ‹Хочу знать› на “Первом канале». За это время Михаил успел набрать материала на 17 выпусков!

— Зрители часто раздражаются: "Спросили у него про какого–то балийского скворца, и он сразу на Бали поехал!". Они же не знают, что за одну поездку я снимаю по 40 сюжетов. Просто пускаю их в разных передачах. У нас принцип — одну страну можно показывать один раз в неделю, не чаще. В Челябинской области я планировал сделать намного больше сюжетов, но понял, что для ваших мест неделя — это очень мало.

Я очень доволен тем, что получилось: материал жирный, наваристый, сколько колорита. Поразил ваш Коркинский разрез. Мы начали спускаться в шахту в час дня и выбрались только под вечер. Вначале я еще был полон сил и выразил желание добраться до дна, а наш сопровождающий засмеялся: «Пожалуйста, мы работаем круглосуточно!». Оказывается, там километровые расстояния.

Меня очень вдохновила история с Челябинским контактным зоопарком, где общение с животными помогает реабилитироваться больным детям. До глубины души потрясли Пороги в Сатке, это невероятное зрелище, а их еще в «Юнеско» принимать не хотят.

«В новогодней передаче челябинский трактор нальет мне шампанского»

— Михаил, но кому интересно смотреть про металлургию?

— Это вам, местным, не интересно, металлургия кажется обыденной вещью. Но как показывает рейтинг моих передач, самые банальные на первый взгляд сюжеты бьют рекорды по просмотрам! А на ваши предприятия экскурсии можно водить. Например, вы знаете, что на ЧТЗ есть трактор, который умеет наливать шампанское? К ковшу приделывается специальное крепление с бутылкой шампанского, а дальше тракторист ловко, с ювелирной точностью подплывает к человеку с бокалом в руке и наливает игристое вино. Я не упустил возможности и снял про запас замечательный новогодний сюжет. На Златоустовском часовом заводе я побывал, чтобы рассказать зрителям, как делают секундомер. А потом узнал, как рисуют гравюру на оружие.

— В России Южному Уралу приписывают имидж самой грязной точки на земле…

— У меня вообще позитивный подход к работе. Иногда приезжаю на какой–нибудь завод, а руководство напряженное, все ждет, когда начну язвы вскрывать. Мне это не нужно, я прибыл с добрыми намерениями. И я действительно отправлялся на Урал, полный любви к нему. Причем моя любовь беспринципна. Оказавшись в Сибири, я с тем же благоговением буду говорить об этом крае. Заметьте, абсолютно искренне.

— Вы ведь уже были в Челябинске?

— Да, много лет назад, когда я актерствовал, мы играли здесь спектакль. Наша труппа была малоизвестна, мы — никому не нужны, денег не много. На обед — банка тушенки и чай с сахаром. Но нам все–таки удалось вырваться в ресторан «Уральские пельмени». Это был королевский пир — пельмени с медвежатиной, лосятиной. Когда официант открывал крышку, из горшочка струился ароматный пар. Я на всю жизнь запомнил эту командировку. А недавно мне в передачу пришел вопрос от мальчика из Сибири, который был уверен, что это у них придумали пельмени. Его заявление меня очень подстегнуло, и я решил во что бы то ни стало доказать ребенку, где настоящая родина пельменей. Так я оказался у вас.

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Металлургическая печь

Hydrogen Car Kits - How to Use Water As Fuel You Can Save Your Teeth - The VITA-MYR Story Известный телеведущий целую неделю снимал о Южном Урале