Titanium Wedding Ring

Titanium Wedding Ring You can say «forever» with just one ring – if you will make it a titanium wedding ring. «Forever» doesn't come with gold and a diamond, certainly – gold doesn't convey enough of the permanence the word was made to represent. Even if you leave the diamond for some other piece of jewelry – like a necklace, an earring or even a brooch, a single titanium wedding ring would speak of a lifetime commitment all on its own.

The chemical element Titanium (Ti) was named after the Titans, ancient mythological creatures who were more powerful than the Graeco–Roman gods. In fact, the Titans were supposed to have fathered some of the gods, who proceeded to grow in number. Think of titanium, then, as the father of all metals, which may be more popular than titanium… but at the same time inferior in integrity and strength.

The metal titanium is corrosion–resistant, even against salt water and chlorine, which wear away most other metals. Titanium also has a high melting point, which means it can withstand high temperatures and drastic weather changes without becoming tarnished or misshapen. For this reason, titanium is not generated by ordinary casting methods, but by powder metallurgy. It is also often used as a refractory metal. The supremely resistant properties of the element would make a titanium wedding ring basically indestructible.

In fact titanium is used for a variety of beauty and health care products. Some of the best eyewear in the world, for example, are made of titanium. These can be very expensive, but buyers will agree: the lifetime guarantee that comes with owning a titanium eyepiece is well worth every penny.

Zirconium is very similar in composition to titanium, hence zirconium–titanium combinations are used for many pieces of jewelry. A zirconium gemstone would make an attractive set for a titanium wedding ring, as its look is very similar to that of the diamond. In fact, the oxide of zirconium is processed to create the cubic zirconia, which creates the diamond.

Moreover, the titanium metal used for jewelry is hypoallergenic. Platinum and white gold are two other favorite choices for metals for the same reason. But if you're shopping around for the best metals for a special gift, you just can't go wrong with the strongest and most durable.

Many have said that titanium shapes the future of art. In fact a 150–foot (45 m) statue of Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space, was made in Moscow, entirely of titanium! The ones who made the statue, as well as the ones who have gazed up at it, have no doubt that it will last forever. Your titanium wedding ring will certainly survive as long, and look no further if you want to prove that your love was made to last for all time

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Международная выставка "Металлургия - 2010"

Международная выставка Металлургия 2010 Международная специализированная выставка "Металлургия – 2010" открылась в Донецке, сообщает кореспондент УКРИНФОРМа.

Подобный форум достижений в этой ведущей отрясли тяжелой индустрии мира проходит здесь уже в седьмой раз. Комментируя открытие выставки, заместитель председателя облгосадминистрации Александр Хохотва отметил,что адрес проведения подобного смотра выбран не случаймо. Он еще раз доказывает: Донбасс был и остается ведущим центром Украины по производству и потреблению металла. Отсюда интерес к нему участников выставки из Запорожья, Харькова, Одессы, Киева, Чернигова, Днепропетровска, а также коллег из Германии, России, Чехи, Хорватии и ряда других стран мира.

Среди участников выставки – производители с мировими именами: Maschinenfabrik Gustav Eirich GmbH & Co. KG (Германия), СІС Инжиниринг (Беларусь), Макеевский машиностроительный завод ( Украина) и другие. Участиники выставки уже представили свои новейшие разработки, обменялись опытом, провели научные конференции, встретились на заседаниях круглого стола, сообща вырабатывали концепцию развития металлургии в Украине.


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How to Use Use Water For Gas Mileage Improvement

How to Use Use Water For Gas Mileage Improvement While gas prices continue to put a strain on millions of drivers worldwide, thousands of people are discovering a new technology that allows them to use ordinary water as a source of powerful hydrogen fuel for their cars. This technology has emerged and evolved through hobbyists and experimenters and as a result? A simple, easy–to–build unit that is the basis of most people's setups using water fuel for cars.

What If My Car Uses Gasoline or Diesel Now?

Of course your car probably uses gasoline or diesel, and too much for your liking I bet! That is not a problem at all, the whole idea behind water fuel for cars is actually to supplement gasoline, not to completely replace it. One of the best things about these great devices is that it requires no modification to the engine you already have in your car! Most people using water fuel for cars report improvements to fuel economy of up to 40%, and diesels may benefit even more.

So How Does Water Fuel For Cars Work?

The device which you will build actually generates a hydrogen gas from plain water. This gas is commonly known as HHO gas. HHO gas has been used for over a century in high–heat metallurgy ovens, lamps, and even cutting torches, and is now being used for gasoline supplementation to improve fuel economy, produce cleaner emissions, and in some cases even increase power. By running a current of electricity through water, the hydrogen and oxygen split and bubble to the top where they mix as HHO gas.

The gas is then sucked into the engine via tubing which you connect to the vehicle's air intake. Once the HHO gas enters the combustion chamber, it mixes with air and gasoline to provide a cleaner, smoother, more efficient burn. All the parts you need can be found locally and are very inexpensive, and the whole thing can be built and installed in a couple of hours once you have all the parts you need. Most designs call for the same basic components: some type of water reservoir such as a jar, some electrical wiring, a small length of tubing, and possibly miscellaneous parts such as hose fittings or mounting hardware.

Never Built Anything Like This Before?

Hey that's alright! Most people running these had never built one before either. If you're still a little fuzzy on how this works or how to build it, I highly suggest following one of the many guides that show you step–by–step, start–to–finish exactly how to build and install your own hydrogen gas saver. For your convenience, I've reviewed the Top 3 Guides available so you can decide which best fits your individual needs and budget.

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Металлургическая печь

Titanium Wedding Ring Международная выставка "Металлургия - 2010" How to Use Use Water For Gas Mileage Improvement