King Of Kings - It's Not What You Think It Means

King Of Kings It s Not What You Think It Means We hear Jesus referred to as «King of kings„ but what does it mean? We have a great deal of “Christianese» of this genre that we are prone to throwing around, arrogantly expecting that everyone who hears our pious, self–righteous, spiritual jargon will (A) understand us and (B) be impressed with how we wield that sword. For example, I recently gave a young man a book with the word «Christ» in the title. He couldn't even pronounce it, uncertain as to whether the "CH' were pronounced like a «K» (as in Kitten) or as the «CH„ in „Children.„ In case you did not know, „Christ„ comes from the Greek „Christos“ which refers to the “Anointed One.“ Every king and high priest was anointed on the head with holy oil in ancient times, a tradition that continues during coronations of monarchs of European and Arabian history to this day. The Hebrew word for “Christos“ is “Messiah.»

Many believe that «King of kings and Lord of lords» refers to Jesus Christ's supremacy over biblical kings such as Herod, Pontius Pilate, all the rulers whose names are mentioned in the Old Testament. Certainly, history's kings like Charlemagne and Henry VIII, even America's Presidents were all much lower «kings» than the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. But the phrase refers to something much more important than earthly kingdoms and territorial governments.

God, through His Christ – the Anointed King – broke into the world to establish His own sovereignty in the lives of every man and, thereby, defeat the powers of Satan (I John 3:8). Logically, the message we have to offer the world should center upon this. Sadly, too often it does not. A primary example of this – a major issue within the Body of Christ that serves to do little more than create or fuel the fires of dissension – is that we are unwittingly, if not deliberately, preaching a Gospel of Salvation rather than the Gospel of the Kingdom as Jesus exemplified.

Think about it! From one denomination to the next, the methods regarding how an individual is «saved» are legion. Baptism, professions of faith, adherence to dogmas and doctrines of men, recited prayers, mere membership…the list goes on and on, especially in «Christian» America. The Kingdom message has cosmic dimensions WAY beyond conversion of the masses (Jesus instructed us to make disciples, not mere converts). It calls people to repentance on the basis of the works of the King – NOT their own deeds. This King governs a spiritual Kingdom; He loves them and desires to rule with them in the world. Once that commitment is made, one can be properly discipled to reflect the nature of this holy God in whose image we were made, spirit–beings whose earthly mission is to advance the Kingdom by sharing this Good News with others, NOT converting them or even merely dragging them to a church service.


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King Of Kings - It's Not What You Think It Means