Boric Acid

Boric Acid Boric acid is made out of hydrogen (three parts), oxygen (three parts), and one part boron. Boron, like oxygen and hydrogen, occurs naturally in the water, air, and soil. Most people actually eat a small amount of boron every day without realizing it.

Boric Acid Silly Putty

The most famous boric acid product is silly putty. It's a mixture of silicone oil and boric acid. It was developed by accident by James Wright (G.E. engineer).

Common Uses

Boric acid is used in a lot of ways. Here are some of the most common:

  1. – Pharmaceuticals
  2. – nutritional supplements
  3. –flame retardants
  4. metallurgy
  5. –glass
  6. –wood preservative
  7. – flame retardants.


Most people discover boric acid the first time they have a roach problem. It is the simplest and least toxic way to eliminate roaches. In a bait paste, it is the most effective way to eliminate roaches.

Where To Buy Boric Acid

Many big box retailers sell it as a dust for roaches. If you're really smart you can mix it with some silicone oil and make your own silly putty. Is silly putty is a good roach control method? In all seriousness, don't try to make your own silly putty.

Roach Bait

Bait is more effective at killing roaches than dust or powders. The roaches are attracted to bait and ingest a fair amount of boric acid with their meal. Then, they take the food back to the nest to finish off the colony. It only takes one application.

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Металлургическая печь

Boric Acid