Accentuate Your Home With Mirrors

Accentuate Your Home With Mirrors Looking at your reflection in the mirror, it is hard to imaging that mirrors in some form have been used for 5,000 years, be it they started from a reflection in a pool of water.

Moving on from a pool of water, early mirrors were often little more than a sheet of polished metal, often silver, copper, or bronze and if any surface area became rusted it was just polished out.

Mirrors have been made of glass for many centuries excepting the Aranmula Kannadi. These mirrors are unique and mysterious, their beauty is unequalled. The metal mirror, a marvel in the annals of metallurgy was in vogue long before the appearance of today's glass mirror. Used in ancient Egypt and Bagdad the mirrors are still made at Aranmula in India, a creation which is secretly guarded and possess a Geographical Indication tag.

Mirrors are often used in magic to create an illusion the same as con be cone with mirrors in your home. Mirrors reflect light and if placed in correct positions will increase indoor light without using increased energy.

Large and unframed mirrors are frequently used in interior decoration to create an illusion of space, and amplify the apparent size of a room. By randomly arranging four or five mirrors in a room that has no shape or appeal, the placement of the mirrors will provide you an artistic show.

Curved mirrors can be used to produce magnified or de–magnified images or to increase the focus on the light in the room.

Antique mirrors provide a feeling and a sense of softness to any décor and antique replicas are crafted by contemporary artisans for use in interior design. These reproduced antiqued mirrors are often works of art and can bring color and texture to your decor.

Most modern mirrors consist of a thin layer of aluminum deposited on a sheet of glass. Glass, the main component is a poor reflector, but has the uniformity required, particularly when polished. This means that the glass contains very few pits after polishing and becomes an effective base for the reflective layer of metal.

So don't just leave your mirrors in the bathroom or behind the bedroom door, use them to accentuate your home, or even some prized possessions. A beautiful piece of ceramics improves aesthetically if its presentation if reflected from a strategically placed mirror.

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Accentuate Your Home With Mirrors