Build Your Own HHO Generator!

Build Your Own HHO Generator As gas prices continue to rise worldwide, people everywhere are suffering from the effects. Some people are even having to sell their favorite cars for more fuel efficient models, or canceling vacation plans because they can't afford the gas. Some people, however, are finding a solution that literally 'falls from the sky'. HHO.

HHO water fuel is a hydrogen/oxygen gas that is derived from water and can be used as fuel in engines. As a matter of fact, HHO fuel from water has been used in torches, lamps, and metallurgy ovens since the early 1900's. HHO (water fuel), also known as Brown's Gas or Rhode's gas, has been shown to increase fuel economy by up to 40% when used in conjunction with gasoline in standard internal combustion engines.

HHO is generated from plain water through a simple process called electrolysis. That is just a fancy word for running a current of electricity through water. As the current is distributed throughout the water, the hydrogen and oxygen begin to separate and form gas, it then bubbles to the top of the water where it is sucked into the engine via tubing connected to the air intake of your car.

There aren't any commercial hydrogen gas saver units that you can buy, mainly due to the fact that the tens of thousand of people using these are simply building the generators themselves. In fact, you can build your own hydrogen gas saver using standard, inexpensive parts from the hardware store. Your shopping list should include some type of water reservoir, some wiring to run the current through the water, tubing for the HHO (water fuel) to travel though, and whatever you might need to mount it to the vehicle (zip ties, nuts/bolts, brackets, any way you can think of).

Never Built Anything Like This Before?

Hey that's alright! Most people running these had never built one before either. If you're still a little fuzzy on how this works or how to build it, I highly suggest following one of the many guides that show you step–by–step, start–to–finish exactly how to build and install your own hydrogen gas saver. For your convenience, I've reviewed the Top 3 Guides available so you can decide which best fits your individual needs and budget.

Bruce Brennan is an expert in Fuel Economics and enjoys helping people just like you save gas every day. For more information including reviews, product comparisons, and fuel saving tips, visit his website: Hydrogen Gas Savers

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Build Your Own HHO Generator!